Saturday, June 20, 2009

Im a Frog


im too stupid to understand quantum mechanics and it makes me physically angry
so i beat a tree with a baseball bat last night.
my family says i always look miserable at parties; it's because i am.

I dreamnt about two girls smoking at some camp last night
they were my best friends and they got sent home
and I was left there with a girl i just met
who intimidated me because she was so pretty.

marease said the other day that he had to sit towards the back because he was black.
that wasn't the reason. but i told him he was absolutely right.

i thought my ears were going to bleed in the MRI this morning!
my blood has too much metal in it!
and it's pooling in my left jaw!
it burns- why does it burn?!!
oh my god its going to explode.

no no no. you're wrong about that.
if you drink poison and survive
you shouldn't drink more when you're recovering!

can you tell that the muscles in my stomach feel like they're going to rip!?

wanna know what else went on in my head last night!?
i tried to kill myself with an irukandji
and it was hilarious
because i didn't die
or writhe in pain.
it just stung a little for a second
before i slipped in to the water with the transparent shell of jell
and let it drag me with it's tiny body
to a cave in the bottom of the ocean floor.
my ears really did bleed then.

have i truly turned in to a Babirusa?
because whenever I see my reflection
that's the only thing i can see.

i want shoved back in that machine.
whenever i walk, i really can't breathe.
my heart pounds like a bass drum with a diameter of 70 feet.
nobody will believe me when i tell them it feels like i'm going to die.


I told him, "I'm a monster" said...

okay, dude. i promised myself i would only comment on 2 of your blogs for the sake of not looking like a creeper.

but your writing style in this blog made me want to kill my writing.
it was so fucking osdjfso unexplainable. you're amazing at writing. i am jealous of you, because it seems like writing is soooo easy to you.