Sunday, December 5, 2010


what i really want

is to pour porclean over top of everything.
i want everything to be soft, and pure, and cozy and close forever
and i don't ever want to move again
or get out of bad
or do anything at all
if it isn't curling up next to you.

i want everything in the world to stop.
i want everything to be covered in a blanket of snow so heavy
we can see
we can't move
we can't hear

we can only be

and with you
that's all i would ever need.
my heart would swell
and i would smile
and an effusion of disbelief, and thankfullness, and laughter would pour fourth out of my mouth
and i'd clutch you forever
and laugh
and laugh
and laugh
because you are all the good things in the world
i want you
to overtake me
i want to immerse myself in you and disappear.
i want to feel my atoms comming apart
and merging with yours until there isn't even a me anymore
until i no longer am
until all i am is pure happiness.
pure goodness.
pure bliss.
pure good.

i love you so much
and everytime i kiss you
i feel like i take with me from you redemptive energy that washes over my body
and replaces all the negativity in me
by little at a time.

i want to kiss you now.
i want your sweet sweet mouth
and your sweet sweet skin and your sweet sweet soul
and i want to fall asleep inside of it
cushioned in glowing
warm white light
wrapped in quiet, and safe forever.

please let me come be with you.