Thursday, July 15, 2010

woke up this morning

and the first thing i started to think about
was how
when i was little, it really confused me
when people used the word "itch"
to both describe a sensation
as well as the action to counter said sensation.

why isn't there a word besides "scratch"
to substitute the word "itch" here meaning to take action to counter the sensation of an "itch"
scratch sounds like someone's taking a metal hair pick
and scratching open their skin repeatedly until it's all bloody and gross.

i don't know why the fuck i was thinking about that
because it's really stupid and something that i thought about as a child, but i did
and i wanted to write about it.

in other news
my cat won't leave me alone anymore.
i love him more than just about anything.
i don't know what his problem is; maybe he's dying
but i don't think so
and i don't even want to entertain that thought
so i'm just gonna assume
he's just really grown to be attached to me over the past 8 years.
he goes upstairs with me, lays with me all night,
follows me downstairs in the morning,
sits on my lap whenever i sit down, follows me when i leave the room
and lays with me when i lounge lazily on the couch.
right now,
it's kind of hard to type, because he's on my lap but also on my arm and i don't want to move him because he's purring and soft and really comfortable.