Wednesday, June 3, 2009

3, Wed

I adore how the week's correlating with the date this week.
The first was Monday
The second was Tuesday
and today
the third
is Wednesday.

I was talking to my mommy the other day
and I told her that I think
that weeks should be more equivalent.
Like, two days at work, two days at home, two days at work, two days at home.
Because at the end of the first day, you'd already be through the week
and by the time you started really hating it
it would be over

for as many days as it was on
and it wouldn't be as bad.

but then we sort of started to pick it apart.
because a lot of work might go unfinished.
and there'd have to be 8 days in a week
we couldn't keep track of days using days of the week
so basically it'd have to be
Monday Tuesday: On, Wednesday Thursday: Off, Friday Saturday: On, Sunday Monday: On, Tuesday Wednesday: Off.
So like, there wouldn't be any continuity..

Because the third day of the week is always Wednesday
so there'd have to be a whole new week created
if we wanted to keep the continuity.

and that would screw so much up.
like meetings scheduled, and dates, and Friday special, and lent, and weeks in a year.

It really pretty much sucks.
because things have to be set in their ways.
if we changed it
the whole world would be all bent out of shape.